Chelation Therapy (Atherosclerosis)
Two-time Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Linus Pauling had this to say about Chelation:
therapy is far safer and much less expensive than surgical treatment of
atherosclerosis. Chelation therapy might eliminate the need for bypass
surgery and is equally valid when used as a preventative
Chelation therapy (pronounced Key-Lay-Shun) is derived from the Greek
word chele meaning claw of a crab. It refers to how, in a pincer like
fashion, a chelating agent grabs onto an electrically charged mineral
ion such as lead, copper, iron or calcium. EDTA is a chelating agent
that was developed in Germany in the 1930's and was at first used for
treatment of lead poisoning and in the 1950's already Doctors observed
that other medical problems such as Arthritis or Atherosclerosis also
Quote from the book: 'The Chelation Way' by Dr. Morton Walker
with our medical establishment's non-recognition of Chelation's best
effect, the treatment's most important application is for preventing or
reversing heart and artery pathology derived from diminished blood
circulation. The chelating agent, called EDTA, removes toxic metals,
improves circulation, enhances the immune system and inhibits the
creation of "free radicals". Free Radicals are now believed by many
scientists to be an important contributing cause of atherosclerosis
(hardening of the arteries), cancer, diabetes, alzheimer's and other
diseases of aging.
Other Benefits of Chelation
Quoted from the book 'Forty Something Forever' by: Arlene Brecher
* Reduction of liver-produced cholesterol
* Lowered insulin requirements in diabetics
* Lowered blood cholesterol levels
* Reduced high blood pressure
* Normalization of cardiac arrhythmias
* Relief from leg muscle cramps
* Reduction in allergic symptoms
* Normalized weight
* Improved psychological and emotional status
* Enhanced sensory input: better sight, hearing, taste
* Fewer excessive heart contractions
* Lessened varicose vein pigmentation
* Lightened age spots
* Fewer aches and pains, arthritic and otherwise
* Less reliance on pain medication
* Hair loss stopped and reversed
* Reversal of impotence
* Alzheimer's Disease symptoms reversed
* Reduced need for duiretics
* Cold extremities warmed
* Chronic Fatigue Syndrome overcome
* Memory, and mental concentration improved
* Post-cataract surgery vision loss restored
* Cosmetic changes, including more lustrous hair, added eye sparkle,
stronger unsplit nails, better skin color, fewer visible wrinkles and a
more youthful appearance.
To make an Appointment or for more information:
Dr. Kin Leung, B.Sc., N.D., CCT, CPCC
Naturopathic Fundamentals Wellness Clinic
191 Edwards Way SW, Unit 103
Airdrie, AB
T4B 3E2
Tel: 587-360-1100